I'm certain no body reads this but me :) But although I haven't been posting, I have been working on me!
I have been very consistent with my exercise routine. It could use a shot in the arm, but consistent is better than non-existent.
My organization/cleaning quest has kind of become trying to keep the habits that I have put in place. Just last week we got new carpeting in half of the upstairs which... equals basically moving. I de-junked a TON of stuff and don't miss it a bit! I had the kids pitch in and help me scrub baseboards and wash walls. It feels so good!! I love the smell of clean carpet!!
With my quest of becoming a better person.... well... that's a long one!! I am trying so hard to pick my battles with the little people. I am trying to use kinder words and not be so quick to snap. Trying to learn what things work for which kids. They are so different and just when I figure one thing out the other child has to be completely opposite. Rude. It would be so much easier if one form of discipline and reward would work for all children... ugh. OH well... I actually feel like I am making progress in this department. Far from perfect, but better.
Something that I have also been working on is trying to be more frugal. That is not something that comes easily to me. If I see something I want, I feel like I should buy it. If I don't buy it I obsess over said item until I talk myself into buying it. I actually think I need some sort of 12 step program. Just being honest, here.... But Ross and I decided to bite the bullet and buy a truck and a camp trailer this year. It's something we've been wanting to do for a long time but never could make it work. We decided that if we really wanted to do it, it was now or never. If we didn't do it now, the kids would only be getting older and we would miss that precious time when they actually WANT to be with us and think we are cool. Those moments are rapidly running out!! So.. .we did it. But with that comes a large chunk of change each month heading out of the old bank account. We both said we would try to cut out our eating out habits to off set the payments a little :) So, I am. I am trying to take my lunches to work, planning meals better, etc. It's working. I feel good about it. This is a new feeling and I think I like it...
So there's the update on my life :)
35 ain't so bad!